Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nike Mission no.4: Eclipsed yet not Enough(?)

I had to put off running Nike Fuel Mission no.5 today for a couple of reasons: 1st) It rained (or was raining) tonite and I didn't really want to risk any injury (physical or to my "pride" ---its like my 10th attempt at it already this year) even if I had the chance of getting a Nike+ Stormproof Badge (yeah, right, like I'd get one of those this year (>_<) --the badges have been put on a "Surprise Spell" by Nike+ Running (you can read all about it here on my Nike+ BadgerSpots blog). My 2nd second reason is well really a "technical problem" since I still cannot access my Nike account. It's somewhat a "long story" -- partly which I'm responsible and well, mostly because I feel that the Nike+ over-all online experience just "sucks" sometimes because the way I see it Nike has 3 distinct websites that don't seem to have quality control, coherence or proper integration across the Nike-ingdom ( + NikePlus and NikeMissions) Anyways, I'm still waiting for Nike Running on FB to get my reset request done, and hopefully "resolve" the issue. I did however went back to Mission No.4 below:
SUCCESS!!!! (at last! well, it was just my 2nd attempt...and it's 60minutes...and yet, it was close! )
"Surprisingly" however, I did NOT "break" any records on that "successful" mission...which I ironically do when I "fail" a mission...go figure! (See previous post)  Anyways, here's my corresponding stats for the above mission:
Average Pace: 9:52 per mile (which kinda "disappoints" me a bit :(

Like I said, kinda "disappointed" coz I was hoping to at least maintain a pace below the 9-minute mark every mile...(yeah right! ;-) but in fairness to this particular Mission, I did my runs outside the village (or suburbs, if you like) so I ran into a lot of cars and foot traffic along the way which "considerably slowed" my pace somewhat. I know I could have maintained a much faster pace if I just run around in circles inside the village. Well, as long as the mission was a success....uhmm...I still "complained" especially in the discrepancies between the NikeFuel points credited in the NikeFuel Mission results and my actual result on NikePlus.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fell Short by Forty-two (42)

I only did one (1) "significant run" on NikeFuel Missions (still on Torrent Mission#5) this week (last Feb13). Yeah, just before Valentine's Day (maybe I'll get "lucky" ;-)) on this Mission). I remember spending my Valentine's last year so much "significantly different" (I thought I was getting lucky too, and try something else aside from uhmm...the Missionary position ;-) with a "significant other" --the slut (>_<) sorry. Well, as you can see from the results below:
....some things just remain "the same"

It was probably like my 9th attempt overall on this "Mission" and my 4th this month (yeah, Im counting them). This is probably the closest I got (using my Nike+ Sportband, instead of the Nike+ Running App) to getting a 1250. It's just so frustrating because I got really, really close (only 42 points more! :-( Which reminds me... "42" is a very "significant" number. It's suppose to be the "the answer to life, the universe and everything" ". Huh?!? I'm just throwing you a little trivia, look it up here
Now if only it would give me some answers on how to "conquer" this "Mission" <sigh> O_o

On the bright side, because it was my "best failure" yet...I got this at least:
My "fastest" 5k below 30minutes: 27'15"

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Coming Up Empty (Again) (>_<)

I started "running" sometime middle of last year (2012) after....well, after I got caught up in a bad break up. I kinda knew it was coming so initiated a "recovery" protocol to somehow "heal"myself. I knew it as one way to keep my mind "racing" and heart "pumping" (whatever was left of it :( and get myself out of a funk fast was to pre-occupy and keep myself "busy" with something  I don't normally do (or havent really done before). And, it should be something I could do by myself - anytime and anywhere with much consistency. No other physical activity (after trying basketball and golf)  fit the bill perfectly other than Running. It "exhausted" me so much that I tired myself out and got me into dreamless sleeping most nights and days too after runs.

It helped a lot, especially when I started to take it more "seriously and in style" by getting myself Nike+ Running shoes, gear and devices (Sportband & Android Running App) last August (2012). I wished I had done it a lot sooner before the Olympics (that would have gotten me the very limited and once only Game On World badge, to add to my trophies collection). This made "running" more "motivational" for me (I know, its silly). But that being said, the Nike+ program enabled me to get even more motivated to continue "running" as well as keep track of my "progress". At the same time I gained back some sort of competition and community...and perhaps, a little bit of my dignity.

Anyway, nowadays I'm back to becoming "frustrated" again ever since I started replaying the Nike Fuel Missions at hard levels (my initial goal actually was just to get all my Mission scores to over a 1000 points on each level). But as in love, luck and my "not-for-lack-of-trying" attitude in life, I "had" to replay all the Mission Levels on "Hard". And now, I'm "stuck" at Mission no.5 (>_<) after my 3rd attempt this week (my 8th in the last month or so). And end up with runs like this:
And this...which really "bummed" me out the past couple of days.....(considering I already passed it with a 1,270 NikeFuel score, and yet for a "glitch" in Nike+ Mission's system I got an "epic" fail)
Unbelievable!!!! (>_<) I feel "emptied" out after that took me a couple of days to (even think) of "trying" again, but still failing to go over the 1,250 mark in 30 minutes or less...Ugggghhhh....well, at least I broke several speed records along the attempts (both in Miles and in Kilometers) plus the much "vaunted or daunted(?)" 5K in less than 30minutes (it now stands at 28:34). Somewhat a significant consolation, but still this Mission attempt(s)  is driving me silly.

Friday, February 1, 2013

(Yet) Another "Run" at Blogging


Welcome to my blog. 

This would be my first "new" blog this year. I've had a couple of them over the years; my first one is about TV shows/series that "live" on my computer ( in which I converted & uploaded tv series (mostly superhero cartoon shows) into video formats (3gp/mp4) that are viewable on mobile phones. My other blog is about comicbooks ( where I "share" comicbook titles which I read and liked (I've actually "revisited" this one recently). Although I have not been that dedicated much less prolific at doing them the past couple of years, I'll try to be at least consistent with this blog, this year on a....uhm, weekly basis at least...(yeah, right! ;-) I'm gonna make another "run" at it....

Anyways, enough about my "blog plugs", so what's my new blog about? Well, for the most part it will be all about my "Running" - a new sport (hobby?) I picked up middle of last year (2012) out of what I'd like to believe is "out of necessity" and part of my "recovery process" (I got my he♥rt broken in ½♥ ok? :( I'll get into it more in my succeeding blog posts hopefully. More specifically however, this blog will also mostly "chronicle" my Nike+ Running activities and NikeFuel Missions progress. So, expect a lot of "run-blings" (ramblings) ;-) in the next few weeks (fingers crossed)

Finally, and as much as I didn't actually plan to get this out this soon (runningonempty on Blogger was already taken, hence, this blog will from time to time also "talk about" my uhmm...."project"...well, more like an "idea" really called the ChroNikeler™ (ok, its not actually trademarked yet, but you heard/learned about it here first ok?) which I am planning to pitch for the NikeAccelerator program What's it all about? Come visit next week and find out more....I gotta "run".  For now, I leave you with this quote which I dreamt of (I was in the 3rd grade, I think) and woke up to this morning:

"If at first you don't succeed. Try, try, try again."
                                                                                                     - William Edward Hickson